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 电话 English
成功案例   品质保证
某知名保 通过Git和Jen
某电子安 配置管理与持续集成
中国电子 配置管理体系与实践
某知名信 配置管理实践(从组
健能信息 Trac配置、应用
通号院 配置管理规范与应用
丹佛斯 ClearCase


全部课程 >配置管理  
Rational Clearcase Fundamentals for UNIX     1755 次浏览  37 次
时间地点: 北京,上海,深圳,根据报名开班
课程费用:5000元/人 详见 公开课学习手册
企业内训: 可以根据企业需求,定制内训,详见 内训学习手册
 This course teaches how to use the basic functions of clearcase, a comprehensive configuration management solution with build management and process control.
  • Have a positive attitude to CM
  • Understand the purpose of CM
  • Realise the importance of CM in a mature development organisation
  • Understand how clearcase manages development objects.
  • Work with clearcase objects.
  • Set up your workspace.
  • Describe how clearcase runs in a UNIX environment.
  • Learn how to get started in clearcase.
  • Learn how to develop software in clearcase.
  • Understand how clearcase builds software.
  • Configuration specifications for your workspace.
  • Demonstrate how branches enable parallel development.
  • Integrate versions to merge in parallel development.
授课方式: 定制课程 + 案例讲解 + 小组讨论,60%案例讲解,40%实践演练
Configuration Management Introduction
  • Introduction
  • History of CM
  • Benefits of CM
  • CM According to ISO 10007
  • Product Life Cycle CM
  • Summary
Clearcase on UNIX
  • Using clearcase graphical user interface
  • Using clearcase command line interface
  • Obtaining clearcase information
  • Accessing documentation and help
Clearcase Objects
  • Understanding VOBs
  • Understanding Views
Setting up your workspace
  • Create a view
  • Activate a view
  • Removing a view
Getting started in clearcase
  • Version tree
  • Create new file elements
  • Version-extended names
  • View-private files
Developing software in clearcase
  • Check out versions
  • Directories as elements
  • Changing the status of checkouts
  • Compare versions
  • Check in version
  • Removing elements
Configure workspace
  • Configuration specifications
  • View config specs
  • Change rules
Branching for parallel development
  • Parallel development
  • Create branch type and instances
  • Automatically creating a branch
Integrating parallel development
  • Overview of merging in clearcase
  • Merging file elements
  • Merging directory elements
  • Perform special types of merging
  • Automating merges
  • Annotating code and generating reports
What is clearcase metadata
  • Define clearcase metadata
  • The function and perpose of metadata classes
  • Share metadata characteristics
  • Hwo metadata can implement access control, policy enforcement, and process control
Managing clearcase metadata
  • Characteristics of metadata classes and type
  • Obtain information about types
  • Create new type
  • Common type operations
  • Apply type instances
Operations with metadata
  • Describe and use query primitives
  • Create searches with cleartool find
  • Using queries in other commands
Display an object’s metadata
Annotating the project: Label and attributes
  • Uses of annotations
  • Characteristics of labels and attributes
  • Creating label and attribute type
  • Applying label and attribute instances
  • Using annotations to support project management
Manageing project policies
  • Overview of triggers
  • Trigger types
  • Using triggers
Managing project relationships: Hyperlinks
  • Overview of hyperlinks
  • Create and use hyperlinks
  • Enable global types
Administration VOB
  • Create and mount VOB
  • Remove VOB
  • Import Data, link VOBs, moving VOBs
Managing Views
  • Display and modify view properties
  • Remove view
  • Protection on Views
  • Protection on VOB
  • Protection on directories and files
  • Protection on elements and other objects
Introduction to multisite
  • Understanding the architecture of multisite
  • VOBs and VOB replica
  • Synchronizing replicas in a family
  • Enable independent development: Mastership
  • Supporing serial development in VOB replicas
Multisite command set
  • Replica creation, synchronization, and management commands
  • Object mastership commands
  • Multitool utility commands
  • Clearcase commands related to multisite
1755 次浏览  37 次
持续集成与敏捷开发  2363 次浏览
持续集成与持续交付实践  2777 次浏览
持续集成原理与实践  5312 次浏览
程序员的配置管理公约  1719 次浏览
持续交付理论基础、原则与实践  2052 次浏览
基于配置管理建立研发秩序  2471 次浏览

咨询目标 帮助客户建立配置管理体系
咨询范围 代码、文档、软件、环境的版本管理,并行协同
咨询方式 调查诊断配置管理现状和问题
成功案例 某电信领域开发商,某军工领域系统供应商,中航集团某通信设备厂商。某大型独立软件开发商。
详情咨询:010-62670969, zhgx@uml.net.cn
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