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基于WindowsCE的嵌入式开发     1632 次浏览  40 次
时间地点: 北京,上海,深圳,根据报名开班
企业内训: 可以根据企业需求,定制内训,详见 内训学习手册

   本课程是Windows CE 5.0的微软全球认证培训课程,课程由22个模块和21个动手实验组成,覆盖了Windows CE操作系统开发、应用程序开发和开发调试的方方面面。通过本课程的学习,使学员达到Windows CE中级开发人员的水平。



  • 掌握Windows CE的操作系统架构。
  • 熟练使用Platform Builder开发工具,掌握Windows CE操作系统的开发方法和调试技术。
  • 熟练使用Visual Studio和Embedded Visual ++ 应用程序开发工具,掌握Windows CE应用程序的开发方法和调试技术。
  • 应用Windows CE操作系统和应用开发技术开发嵌入式产品和解决方案。
授课方式: 定制课程 + 案例讲解 + 小组讨论,60%案例讲解,40%实践演练
  • Introduction and Course Overview
  • Module1-1: OS Architecture, Platform Builder concepts
  • Lab 1-1: Platform Building
  • 10:45 11:30 Module 1-2: Overview of OS Build steps and phases [The process behind the buttons] (Command line and IDE)
  • Lab 1-2: Instrumenting the build process
  • Module 1-3: Overview of CE app environment and MS app development tools
  • Lab 1-3: Preparing your OS Design for third party development
  • Module 1-4: OS Architecture (OAL, FILESYS, DEVICES & SERVICES, GWES)
  • Lab 1-4: PB applications
  • Module 1-5: processes, threads and intro to VirtualMemory
  • Lab 1-5: Using the Remote tools to examine memory and process layout
  • Lab 2-0: Minimal Kernel Configuration
  • Module 2-1: Memory Architecture
  • Lab 2-1: Exploring Memory, Heaps, and Stacks
  • Module 2-2: Kernel Core
  • Lab 2-2: Exploring threads
  • Module 2-3: Synchronization Objects
  • Lab 2-3: Exploring Synchronization Objects
  • Module 2-4: Windows CE Interrupt Model
  • Lab 2-4: Exploring Interrupts in Windows CE
  • Module 2-5: Exploring Debugging Techniques
  • Lab 2-5: Exploring Debug Techniques
  • Module 3-1: Building With DIRS and SOURCES
  • Lab 3-1 Building With DIRS and SOURCES
  • Module 3-2: The Catalog, CEC files and SYSGEN Variables
  • Lab 3-2: Creating and Importing CEC files
  • Module 3-3: Deep Into SYSGEN
  • Lab 3-3: Creating Filtered modules and Components
  • Module 3-4: Using the Private Branch
  • Lab 3-4: Making Source Code Private
  • Module 3-5: Understanding PBPXML projects
  • Lab 3-5: Using PBPXML projects
  • Module 4-1: System
  • Lab 4-1: Replacing the Shell with a custom full screen browser based UI
  • Module 4-2: Driver loading (ActivateDeviceEx) and the registry
  • Lab 4-2 ActivateDeviceEx
  • Module 4-3: Loading drivers at boot time
  • Lab 4-3: Boot Time Driver load order dependencies
  • Module 4-4: PnP Notification system
  • Lab 4-4: Using the PnP notification system to create an AutoRun "service"
  • Module 4-5: Using Standard Shell startup application folder
  • Lab 4-5: Creating a standard run once on cold boot "Welcome" application for a device
  • Module 4-6: Using the standard CETK tests
  • Lab 4-6: Using the CETK
  • Module 5-1: Headless Devices and UPnP
  • Lab 5-1 Headless Devices and UPnP
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