全部课程 >建模 |
4229 次浏览 63 次
时间地点: 北京,上海,深圳,根据报名开班 |
课程费用:4500元/人 |
内训学习手册 |
培训后进行能力评测: 在线考试
合格者颁发证书,作为职业技能资格证明 |
培训目标: |
- 应用UML2.4进行精确的、高效的需求建模
- 应用UML2.4进行精确、高效的设计建模
- 应用UML2.4进行精确、高效的实现建模
- 了解OMG建模和元数据规范
- 了解UML2.4规范
- 理解UML2.4基础规范
- 理解UML2.4上层结构
- 了解补充结构与定义
培训对象:中高级程序员、系统分析员、需求调研人员、构架设计师、产品市场技术人员 |
学员基础:有一般UML应用经验,有软件项目需求或者分析设计经验 |
授课方式: 定制课程 + 案例讲解
+ 小组讨论,60%案例讲解,40%实践演练 |
- Problems in UML Modeling: Difficult to express precisely, do not know how to express
- How to use UML2.4 for efficient, accurate and concise requirements and design modeling
- Introduction to UML2.4
- Changes in UML2.4 compared to the previous
- UML2.4 language architecture
- UML2.4 language form
- OMG Modeling and Metadata specification introduction
- Common Warehouse Meta-Model (CWM)
- Meta-object Facility (MOF)
- Model level testing and debugging
- MOF model to text transformation information language
- Object Constraint Language (OCL)
- Reusable Asset Specification (RAS)
- Software Process Definition Metamodel (SPEM)
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- UML2.4 Infrastructure library
- UML2.4 kernel, how to model requirements and design based on the kernel
- UML2.4 Structure, how to conduct structural modeling of requirements and design based on structure
- UML2.4 Behavior, how to conduct behavioral modeling of requirements and design based on behavior
- UML2.4 Supplementary Structure and Definition, how to apply supplementary structure refinement mode
- UML2.4 Application examples, case practice
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